- Description
- Specifications
- Documents
- Have a Question About This Item
- Shipping Policy
- Exchange, Returns, and Refunds Policy
NOTE : Long shackle will not fit Igloohome Padlock 1. It is for Padlock 2 and Padlock Enterprise only.
NOTE: Padlock is NOT included
- 134mm High
- 42mm Wide
- 8.7mm diameter
Locked shackle clearance
- 76mm
All products are shipped FREE of charge
We endeavour to ship within 24 hours of receiving your order and guarantee shipping within 48 hours
- All items are shipped using Australia Parcel Post and tracking will be provided.
All of our products can be returned with no questions asked within the first 30 days if you change your mind.
The product must not have been used or installed and must be in a condition that it can be re-sold as a new item. Customer is responsible for paying and arranging the return shipping and there is a 15% re-stocking fee.