The Samsung SHS-P718 Smart Push/Pull Digital Door Lock is a keyless door lock with all the bells and whistles. Let’s take a closer look at some of the unique features of this stylish lock.
Easy, One-Step Opening
Normal lever-handle door locks require three steps to open the door; grab the handle, twist it and the pull (or push). The innovative Samsung SHS-P718 Smart Push/Pull Digital Door Lock has reduced this to just one step. Depending on which side of the lock you are, you need only push or pull the handle to release the lock and open the door. Although this may sound like a minor convenience, it has the potentially to drastically improve the ease of access for those with grip, such as children or the elderly. It’s also extremely handy (pardon the pun) for those times when your hands are full.
Biometric Fingerprint Scanner
Welcome to the future of security my friends! Not only can you throw away your keys, you can use your fingerprint instead. The integrated biometric fingerprint scanner in the Samsung SHS-P718 Smart Push/Pull Digital Door Lock can store and recognise fingerprint data from up to 100 users.

Code, KeyTag, or SmartTag
No more hiding keys under pot plants with the Samsung SHS-P718 Smart Push/Pull Digital Door Lock. Alongside the biometric fingerprint scanner, the smart lock features PIN code, KeyTag and SmartTag entry. You can even register up to 30 users with these access types, making it the ideal choice for occasional guests to you home, such as gardeners, tradies or friends.
Always Secure with Automatic Locking
How many times have you arrived home from work, only to find that you forgot to lock the door? For me, it’s more times than I’d like to admit. With the Samsung SHS-P718 Smart Push/Pull Digital Door Lock, you can rest easy in the knowledge that the door will lock automatically behind you as you leave.
Innovation at its core
The terms “unique” and “innovative” are thrown around a lot when it comes to Smart Security Products. Samsung SHS-P718 Smart Push/Pull Digital Door Lock has truly earned these titles – having won three major design awards (German IF, Red Dot Design Award and the IDEA Design Award) and multiple patents pending.