Updated 3 December, 2020
It’s ironic that holiday periods are when we’re meant to be relaxing both mentally and physically. But it can actually prove to be one of the most vulnerable times of the year for your safety and security. Whether you’re playing host this year or getting away from the rat race altogether, there are a few simple things you can do to ensure the safety and security of your home and family. To make it that little bit easier, we’ve put together a few of the BIG questions to help get you thinking about security. Especially around your home this Christmas.
Is your pool adequately fenced and secured with a pool gate?
A backyard pool can be an absolute lifesaver on those 30-plus degrees Christmas break. But it can also pose a danger to children and adults alike. The risk of drowning is most pronounced for children, but adults that have one too many alcoholic drinks can also be put at risk. The Royal Life Saving Society of Australia have put together a handy checklist to help you check, fix and maintain your pool fence this Christmas season.
If you find that your pool gate is in need of a new lock, you can’t go past the original magnetic pool gate lock; the MagnaLatch Pool Gate Lock from D&D Technologies. Australian made and owned, D&D Technologies have been a household name in pool security since the late 1980s.
Whilst you're at it, ensure that the fence themselves meet the right height requirements in your state or territory. Your fencing must also be strong and sturdy to avoid being pushed over. And don't forget to always have an adult supervising when someone is in the pool. Bondi Rescue style or simply watching over what is happening, with no distractions (including Facebook!).

How do you store alcoholic beverages and dangerous liquids away from young children?
If there are little ones coming along to your Christmas do, then you need to make sure that alcohol and dangerous liquids (such as cleaning products) are stored out of reach, or better yet, behind a locked door. (Though we don't suggest you store them together.) We all know that children have a habit of putting things that they shouldn't, into their mouths. So mounting cupboard and drawer locks are the way to go. These types of locks are inexpensive and are easy-to-install (DIY friendly). Plus they provide the ultimate peace of mind when it comes to ensuring little hands stay away from these dangerous liquids. It'll be that one less thing you need to yell 'Don't touch that!'
Who's looking after the barbeque?
If you’re one of the many Australian’s that will be slaving over a hot barbeque rather than a hot oven this Christmas, make sure you plan appropriately for the day so that you, and your guests stay safe. If you own a gas barbeque, make sure to check your cylinder for rust or damage and double-check that all connections are clean and fit snugly before you light your barbeque. Have everything you need from the beginning so you don't leave it unattended, from tongs to spare plates and paper towels. If on the other hand, you need to leave your post, it is important to assign another vigilant adult to barbeque duties for those moments – this will help to reduce the risk of accidental fire and injury to children.

While you’re assigning adults, who will be your designated driver?
If you’re a guest this Christmas, it’s important you discuss who will be driving to AND from your destination, before the day arrives. Unlike gin and tonic, drinking and driving don’t mix. If you both decide that you want to indulge on the day, choose to get to your destination with an Uber or taxi instead.
Are your windows and doors adequately secured?
If you’re going away this Christmas, you’ll want to ensure your home is secured properly before you leave. Our top tip would be to give yourself plenty of time to lock up before you leave. It may even be a good idea to create a checklist, at least it will ease the nerves on the road and stop you thinking 'did I lock that back door?'. Make sure every door and window into the property is locked. For additional peace of mind, why not install a smart camera? These easy-to-install smart devices send notifications to your smartphone or tablet when activity is detected at your property. You can even speak to any visitors on your property via built-in speakers and microphone.

Do your presents meet the relevant safety standards?
All toys sold in Australia should comply with Australian Safety Standards. When shopping for youngsters, make sure you check the label for age restrictions and safety compliance. If you’re unsure if a product you’ve purchased is safe, you can always check the Australian recall list.
So here's a toast to a safe and memorable Christmas, an end to a topsy-turvy year and to a great start to 2021!